Shipping + Returns


All orders are processed within 10-14 days from transaction unless the item is a pre-order. Once your order has been placed, you will receive an email confirmation. Once your order has been shipped, we will email you with your tracking information or pick up location (if local to Lubbock).

At times, the postal service does not scan every single order or your order may be stuck in transit. Shipping carriers may experience delays beyond the estimated arrival date. Once your package is out of our hands, it is out of our control.

Shipping cost are based on the items ordered and the shipping address.

If you have any questions about your oder please email us at


If you have any questions or need additional help, please email us at

  1. Returns must be processed within 14 days of order fulfillment.  Please make sure they are stamped by postal service before the 14 days of purchase or they will not be accepted.
  2. No cash or card refunds. Only store credit will be issued.
  3. Any returns must not be worn, washed, or used! Tags must be in their original placement or item will not be accepted. 
  4. All personalized, customs orders, holiday/seasonal, and sales are FINAL unless damaged.
  5. ALL RETURNS MUST INCLUDE: your name, number, and email address inside the package along with order number so that we can find your order and send you store credit. Please do not ship back ANY item without appropriate information.
  6. Return shipping is responsibility of buyer unless item is damaged.
  7. If your items arrive damaged we need the following to be returned: photo of damaged, order or invoice number,  your name used on the order, and your email address. You can email photos to



  1. If you need to return your item for any reason listed above, please email to discuss details. 
  2. Spoiled Cotton is not responsible for the loss of goods due to weather, missing, or damaged if orders are not picked up within 48 hours of being notified of fulfillment. NO REFUNDS or store credit will be given for lost or damaged items that have extended the 48-hour pick up window. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shipping is always an available option. 
  3. If orders are not picked up within 30 days of being notified of fulfillment, you will receive a reminder email and an opportunity to pay for shipping. Any items not picked up after 60 days will be donated at Spoiled Cotton's discretion.  
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